2 Pattaya Expats Club Worth Knowing

Are you among the Pattaya expats? 

There are two clubs in this city that I'd recommend joining.

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Two clubs, meetings on different days, same motto. I will only provide the links to their web sites here.

I have never been to any of their meetings and can not comment or write about them.

I have read and heard different things from different sources and don’t want to add to rumors. If you are looking for information about the city you may also want to search this site.

If you'd like you can also get your answers about Pattaya directly.

In any case the 2 clubs can be found here:

Club about the city

Club for expatriates

At last you'll be getting involved in the community here.

Join The Community

Get to know other people who've come to live in this city too.  Most expats have intriguing stories and a take on Thailand that you can learn something from.

You might even have questions about day-to-day life in the city.  They can help you solve those problems.  Some might even give you a hand and take care of that problem for you.

Take advantage of your new found friendships.

Get A Take of Pattaya From Others

One of the best things is that you'll to learn things most tourists or people don't know.  For example you'll get a good take on

 • the best restaurants depending on what food you want or price you'd like to pay

 • how to get to certain places faster and other short cuts as traffic here gets worse

 • where to find the best items or goods depending on what you want

 • and more...

Start With These 2 Forums

Again the best 2 forums you can check out are:

Pattaya City Expats Club

Expats Club Pattaya

Feel free to join their newsletter or sign up for the next meeting. 

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