Посольства Тайланда в разных странах мира

Ниже представлен список посольств Тайланда в разных странах мира, а также их контактная информация: телефонные номера, адреса электронной почты, факс, и адреса сайтов.

A------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Av. Federico Lacroze 2158, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Tel: +54-11-47744415 / +54-11-47721170
Fax: +54-11-47732447
Email: thaiembargen@fibertel.com.ar
Website: http://www.thaiembargen.org/

Royal Thai Embassy, Virrey Del Pino 2458-6 Piso, 1426 Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tel : (541) 785-6504 / 6521, 6532
Fax : (541) 785-6548

8 Amirian Street, Yerevan, Armenia
Tel: (+374) 10 560410
Fax: (+374) 10 544425
Email: info@thaiconsulate.am
Website: http://www.thaiconsulate.am

Addresses of Thai Embassy, Consulates and other offices in Australia
111 Empire Circuit Yarralumla ACT 2600 Canberra, Australia
Tel: (02) 6273-1149
Fax: (02) 6273-1518
Email: rtecanberra@mserv.mfa.go.th
Website: http://canberra.thaiembassy.org

New South Wales
Royal Thai Consulate General
Level 8, 131 Macquarie Street Sydney, NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 9241-2542, 9241-2543
Fax: (02) 9247-8312
Email: thaisydney@idx.com.au

Royal Thai Consulate General
87 Annerley Road South Brisbane Qld 4102
Tel: (07) 3846-7771
Fax: (07) 3846-7772
Email: admin@thaiconsulate.org
Website: http://www.thaiconsulate.com

South Australia
Royal Thai Consulate General
6th floor, 185 Victoria Square Adelaide SA 5000
Tel: (08) 8218-4848
Fax: (08) 8218-4847
Email: jwalt@chariot.net.au

Victoria Royal Thai Consulate General
Suite 301, 566 St Kilda Road Melbourne Vic 3004
Tel: (03) 9533-9100
Fax: (03) 9533-9200
Email : swallace@netspace.net.au

Western Australia
Royal Thai Consulate General
26 St Georges Terrace -Level 8. Perth WA 6000
Tel: (08) 9221-3237
Fax: (08) 9221-1635
Email : thaiconsulatewa@jamlaw.net.au

Thai Trade Centre
Level 1 Thai Airways Building 75-77 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 9241-1075
Fax: (02) 9251-5981
Email : thaitrade@ozemail.com.au
Website : http://www.thaitrade.com

Tourism Authority of Thailand
Level 2 Thai Airways Building 75-77 Pitt Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 9247-7549
Fax: (02) 9251-2465
Email: info@thailand.net.au
Website : http://www.thailand.net.au/

Thai Welfare Association
Suite floor Level 2, 78 Liverpool Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: (02) 9264-3166
Fax: (02) 9264-3009
Email: twa@thaiwelfare.org

Royal Thai Embassy Vienna
Weimarer Strasse 68, A-1180 Vienna, Austria
Tel: 310 3423 / 310 1630 / 310 8988

Koch-Sternfeld-Gasse 7, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Tel: (+43) (662) 840 020 - 0
Fax: (+43) (662) 840 020 - 1
Email: office@thaiconsulate-salzburg.at
Website: http://www.thaiconsulate-salzburg.at

B------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Royal Thai Embassy Visa Services
House No. NW (E) 12, Road No.59, Gulshan Model Town, Dhaka
Tel: (880) 2 601 634 / 601 475
Fax: (880) 2 883 588

Belgium Royal Thai Embassy Visa Services
Square du Val de la Cambre 2, 1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 640.68.10
Fax: +32 2 648.30.66
Email: thaibxl@thaiembassy.be
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.be/

Lote 10-Setor de Embaixadas Norte, Avenida das Nacoes Norte, P.O. Box 10-2460, 70.433 - Brasilia, DF.
Tel: (061) 224 6943 / 224 7943 / 223 5105
Fax: (061) 321 2994 / 223 7502
Email: thaiemb@linkexpress.com.br
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/brasilia

Lot 25251, Simpang 683, Jalan Tutong, Kampong Bunut BF 1320, Bandar Seri Begawan BF 1320 Brunei
Tel: (+673) (2) 653108-9
Fax: (+673) (2) 653032
Email: thaiemb@brunet.bn

C------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

No.196 Preah Norodom Boulevard, Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamcar Mon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (855) 023 726 306 / 10
Fax: (66) 0-2354 6190 / (855) 23 726 303
Email: thaipnp@mail.camshin.net
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/phnompenh

1040 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2R9
Tel: (604) 687-1143
Fax: (604) 687-4434
Email: info@thaicongenvancouver.org
Website: http://www.thaicongenvancouver.org/

180 Island Park Drive Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 0A2 Canada
Tel: (613) 722-4444
Fax: (613) 722-6624
Email: contact@thaiembassy.ca
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.ca

Lacey Court, 344 - 12th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2R 0H2, Canada
Tel: (+1) (403) 266-6995
Fax: (+1) (403) 294-0667
Email: thaical@jrlacey.com

Alberta T5K 1X3, Edmonton, Canada
Tel: (+1) (780) 439-3576
Fax: (+1) (780) 452-1610

1501 McGill College Avenue, Suite 2240, Montreal, Quebec H3A 3M8, Canada
Tel: (+1) (514) 878-4466
Fax: (+1) (514) 878-2446
Email: info@thaiconmtl.com

Toronto Royal Thai Consulate General Toronto
17 Isabella St. #100, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1M7
Tel: (416)850-0110
Fax: (416)850-1431
Website: http://www.thaiconsulatetoronto.com/

Av. Americo Vespucio Sur 100, Piso 15, Las Condes, Santiago, Canada
Tel: 56-2) 717-3959
Fax: (56-2) 717-3758
Email: thaichil@ctcreuna.cl

Crystal Century Mansion 15 Floor
No. 567 Weihai Road, Shanghai.
Tel: (86-21) 628 83 030 / (86-21) 628 87 633
Fax. (86-21) 628 89 072
Email : thaiconsul.shanghai @ gmail.com
Website: http://www.thaishanghai.com/

Beijing Royal Thai Embassy
No. 40 Guang Hua Lu, Beijing 100600, People's Republic of China
Tel: 8610-6532 3922 / 653 23927 / 653 23941
Fax: 8610-653 / 23890
Email: thaicom@ht.roi.cn.nct

Royal Thai Consulate-General
Garden Hotel, M07, 2nd Floor. 368 Huanshi Dong Lu. Guangzhou, The People's Republic of China.
Tel: (8620) 83338989 Ext. 3701 / (8620) 83858988 Ext. 11
Fax: (8620) 83889959 / 83889567

Royal Thai Consulate-General
Kunming Hotel, 145 Dong Feng Dong Lu, Kunming, Yunnan 650051 People's Republic of China
Tel: 86-871-351 522 / 351 5224
Fax: 86-871-351 / 5223
Email: crsteg@elephant.istiy.yn.cn

Romaina Rollanda 3/481, Prague 6- Bubenec 16000 Tel: (420) 220570055 / 220571435 / 20571735 / 220571738 / 220510151
Fax: (420) 220570049
Email: thaiemb@volny.cz
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.cz/

D------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Royal Thai Embassy
Norgesmindevej 18, 2900 Hellerup, Copenhagen, Denmark
Tel: (45) 3962-5010 / 3962-5257 / 3962-5575
Fax: (45) 3962-5059
Email: thai-dk@inet.uni-c.dk

E------  Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Egypt, Arab Republic
Royal Thai Embassy
2, El Malek El Afdal St., Zamalek, Cairo, A.R.E
Tel: (202) 340-0299 / 340-8356 / 341-0094
Fax : (202) 340-0340 
Email : thaiemb@idsc.gov.eg

F------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Royal Thai Embassy
8, Rue Greuze, 75116 Paris, France
Tel: (33-0) 1 56 26 50 50
Fax: (33-0) 1 56 26 04 45
Email: thaipar@mfa.go.th
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.fr/

G------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Royal Thai Embassy
Ubierstrasse 65, 53173 Bonn, Germany
Tel: (49) (228) 355-815 / 956-860
Fax : (49) (228) 363-702
Email : thaibon@mail.isd.de

Lepsiusstr. 64-66, 12163, Berlin, Germany
Tel: (+49 30) 79 48 10
Fax: (+49 30) 79 48 15 / 11
Email: general@thaiembassy.de
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.de/

Kennedyallee 109, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Tel: (49) (69) 69 86 82 05
Fax: (49) (69) 69 86 82 28
Email: thaifra@mfa.go.th
Website: http://www.thaigeneralkonsulat.de/

Greece 25 Marathonodromou Str., Paleo Psychico, Athens 15452, Greece
Tel: (301) 671-0155 / 674-9065 / 675-6978
Fax: (301) 647-9508 / 623-3283
Email: thaiath@otenet.gr
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/athens

H------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Hong Kong
Royal Thai Consulate-General
8F., Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong
Tel: 852-2525 9716 / 2526 1847, 2521 6481-5
Fax: 852-2868 4927
Email: thai-cg@hk.super.net / thaicomm@netvigator.com
Website: http://www.thai- consulate.org.hk

Royal Thai Embassy
Verecke ut. 79, 10250 Budapest, Hungary
Tel: (361) 325-9892-3 / 325-9903
Fax : (361) 325-9886
Email : thaiemba@mail.datanet.hu

I------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

New Dehli
56-N Nyaya Marg Chanakyapuri New Delhi, India
Tel: (91-11) 26118103 / 26118104
Fax: (91-11) 26872029
Email: thaidel@mfa.go.th
Website: http://www.thaiemb.org.in

Royal Thai Consulate General
18B Mandeville Gardens, Ballygunge, Calcutta 700019, India
Tel: (9133) 440-7836
Fax: (9133) 440-6251
Email : thai.ccu@sm1.sprintrpg.sprint.com

Royal Thai Consulate General
Marbar View, 4F., 33 Marine Drive Str., Chowpatty Sea Face, Mumbai 400 007, India
Tel: 0091 22 363-1404
Fax: 0091 22 363-2417

4, JaIan Imam Bonjol, Jakarta Pusat 10310, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: (62-21) 390-4052
Fax: (62-21) 310-7469 / 319-1411
Email: thaijkt@indo.net.id
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/jakarta

No.4, Esteghlal Alley, Baharestan St., Tehran, Iran
Tel: +98-21-77531433 / +98-21-77537708
Fax: -98-21-77532022
Email: Info@thaiembassy-tehran.org
Website: http://www.thaiembassy-tehran.org/

Royal Thai Embrassy
House No.18, Street 18, Area 601, Al-mansour 12605 P.O. Box 6062 Al-Mansour Baghdad
Tel: (9641) 242-6515
Fax: (9641) 242-2618

21 Shaul Hamelech Blvd., 64367 Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel: (972-3) 695-8980 / 695-8984
Fax: (972-3) 695-8991
Email: thaisr@netvision.co.il
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/telaviv

Via Nomentana132, 00162 Rome Italy Fax: +39(06) 8622 0529
Tel: +39(06)8622-051
Fax: +39(06)8622-0555, 8622-0556
Email: thai.em.rome@wind.it.net
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.it/

J------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

3-14-6, Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0021
Tel: (03) 3441-1386
Visa #: 263 / 265
Passport #: 233 / 278
Fax: (03) 3441-2597
Email: infosect@thaiembassy.jp

Bangkok Bank Building, 4th Floor, 1-9-16 Kyutaro-Machi, Chuo-ku, 541-0056, Japan
Tel: +81-6 6262-9226 / +81-6 6262-9227
Fax: +81-6 6262-9228
Email: rtcg-osk@jupiter.plala.or.jp
Website: http://www.thaiconsulate.jp/

Jordan, Amman
No. 31 Al-Hashemiyeen St., Dirghabar-Abdoun, P.O. Box 144329,Amman 11814 Jordan
Tel: (9626) 592-3300 / 592-1694
Fax: (9626) 592-3311
Email: thaibgw@mfa.go.th
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/amman/

K------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Royal Thai Embassy
Rose Avenue, P.O. Box 58349, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: (2542) 714-276 / 715-800
Fax: (2542) 715-801

Royal Thai Embassy
Surra, Area No.3 Block No.49, Building No.28, Ali Bin Abi Taleb St., P.O. Box 647 Bayan, 43757 Kuwait
Tel: (965) 531-4870 / 7530-1
Fax: (965) 531-7532
Email: thaiemkw@kems.net / thaiemk2@kems.net
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/kuwait/en/home

L------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Royal Thai Embassy
Avenue Kaysone Phomvihane Saysettha District, Vientiane .P.O. Box 128 Consular Section, Rue 23 Singha, Saysettha District, Vientiane Fax: (856-21) 214-580
Email: thaivte@mfa.go.th
Website: http://vientiane.thaiembassy.org/en/

Khanthabouly District
Consulate of Thailand in Laos Savannakhet Province
Tel: +856-41 212-373 / +856-41 212-445
Fax: +856-41 212-370
Email: thaisvk@mserv.mfa.go.th

M------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Royal Thai Consulate General

ParkBatiment D1 1st floor Village des Jeux Ankorondrano, Antananarivo 101
Tel: (261 20) 2255626
Fax: (261 20) 222-3839
Email: thaitnr@mfa.go.th
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/antananarivo

Royal Thai Embassy
206 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malysia
Tel: (60-3) 2148-8222 / 2148-8350 / 2148-8420 / 2145-8004
Fax: (60-3) 2148-6527 / 2148-6615
Email: thaikula@mfa.go.th
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/kualalumpur

4426 Jalan Pengkalan Chepa, Kota Bharu Kelantan, Malaysia
Tel: (+60-9) 744-5266 / 744-5934 / 748-2545
Fax: +60-9 744-9801
Email: thaicg@streamyx.com

No. 1, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Penang, Malaysia
Tel: +60-4 226-8029 / +60-4 226-9484
Fax: +60-4 226-2123
Email: thaipg@tm.net.my

Royal Thai Embassy
33 Avenue Lalla Meriem. Lotissement Bonvillard, Souissi Rabat, Marocco
Tel: (212-37) 63 46 03 / 63 46 04
Fax: (212-37) 63 46 06
Email: thaima@menara.ma

Paseo de las Palmas1610, Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, Del. Miguel-Hidalgo Mexico
Tel: (52-55) 5540-4551 / 5540-4529 / 5540-4711
Fax: (52-55) 5540-4817
Email: thaimex@prodigy.net.mx

Royal Thai Embassy
No.94, Pyay Road, Dagon Township Yangon Union of Myanmar
Tel. (951) 226-721 / 226-728 / 226-824
Fax. (951) 221-713
Email : thaiygn@mfa.go.th
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/yangon/en/home

N------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Kathmandu 167/4 Ward No. 3,Maharajgunj-Bansbari Road,P.O. Box. 3333,Kathmandu
Tel: (977 1) 4371410 / 43711411
Fax: (977 1) 4371408 / 4371409
Satellite Phone: (88 216) 87700239
Email: thaiemb@wlink.com.np

The Hague Laan Copes van Cattenburch 123, 2585 EZ,The Hague, Netherland
Consular Section: Buitenrusweg 1, 2517 KD, The Hague
Tel: Chancery (3170) 345-9703 / 345-0766
Consular Section (3170) 345-2088 / 361-7955 / 346-3283
Fax: Chancery (3170) 345-1929 / Consular Section (3170) 360-8743
Email. thaihag@thaihag.demon.nl / thaiconsul@thaiconsul.demon.nl

New Zealand
2 Cook Street Karori, Wellington, New Zealand
Postal address: P.O. Box 17-226, Karori Wellington New Zealand
Tel: (64-4) 476-8616 - 9
Chancery Facsmile: (64-4) 476-3677
Consular Facsmile: (64-4) 476-8610
Email: thaiembassynz@xtra.co.nz
Website: http://www.thaiembassynz.org.nz/

Royal Thai Embassy
Consular Section, 29-30 Queen's Gate, LONDON SW7 5JB
Tel. 0207-5892944.

MaitamaAbuja 24 Tennesse Cresent Off Panama Street MaitamaAbuja, NIGERIA
Tel: 00234 9780 5400
Fax: 00234 9413 5193
Email: thaiabj@mfa.go.th

The Royal Thai Embassy
Eilert Sundts gt. 4, 0244 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 22128660
Email: thaioslo@online.no
Fax: +47 22049969
Visa section Tel: +47 22128663
Email: thaivisa@online.no
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.no/

O------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Villa No. 1339, Way No. 3017, Shati Al Qurum,P.O. Box 60, P.C. 115 M.S.Q. Muscat, Oman
Tel: (968) 24602684-5
Fax: (96-8) 24605714
Email: thaimct@omantel.net.om

P------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

23/A/II Main Khayaban-e-Shansheer Phase-V, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi, Pakistan
Tel: (92-21) 587-4417 / 586-7097 / 583-0706
Fax: (92-21) 587-4555
Email: thaikhi@mfa.go.th
Website:  http://www.thaiembassy.org/islamabad/

107 Rada Street, Legaspi Village, P.O. Box 1228, Makati Central Post, Makati 1252 Metro Manila, Philippines
Tel: (632) 815-4219-20 / (632) 816-0696-7
Fax: (+63) 2 815-4221
Email: adminmnl@pldtdsl.net / thaimnl@pacific.net.ph

Cebu City Eastern Shipping Lines Building, M.J. Cuenco corner Magallanes Streets
Tel: +63-32 412-1688
Fax: +63-32 93013

ul. Staroscinska 1B m. 2-3, 02-516 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +48 22 492 655 / 496 414 / 494 730 / 491 406
Fax: +48 22 492 630

Rua de Alcolena, 12, Restelo 1400-005 Lisbon, Portugal
Tel: (351) 21 301 4848 / 21 5151
Fax: (351) 21 301 8181
Email: thai.lis@mail.telepac.pt
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/lisbon/

Q------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Villa No. 162, Al Eithar Street, Dafna, Westbay Area, P.O. Box 22474 Doha
Tel: (974) 4550715 / 4550716 / 4934426 / 4934432
Fax: (974) 4550835 / 4930514
Email: thaidoh@qatar.net.qa
Web Site: http://www.thaiembqatar.com/eng/main/index.php

R------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

44-48 Strada Mihai Eminescu, Etaj 2, Apartamentul 5, Bucharest, Romania
Tel: +40 1 210 1338 / 210 3447
Fax: +40 1 210 2600

Russia No. 9, Bolshaya Spasskaya St., Moscow, 129090, Russia
Tel: +7 (495) 6080817 / 6080856 / 6086671
Fax: +7 (495) 2909659 / 2075343
Email: thaico@dol.ru
Website: http://en.thaiembassymoscow.com/

S------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Saudi Arabia
Royal Thai Embassy
Diplomatic Quarter, P.O. Box 94359, Riyadh 11693, Saudi Arabia
Tel: (966-1) 488-1174 / 488-0797 / 488-0300 / 488-1507
Fax: (966-1) 488-1179
Email: thaiemryadsl@awalnet.net.sa
Website: http://riyadh.thaiembassy.org/

2 Safwan lbn Wahab Street (92) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966-2-6655317 / +966-2-2831078
Fax: +966-2-6655318
Email: thaicongen@sps.net.sa
Web Site: http://www.thaiembassy.org/jeddah

10 Rue Leon G. Damas, Angle F., Fann Residence, B.P. 3721. Dakar, Senegal
Tel: (221) 33 869-3290
Fax: (221) 33 824-8458 / 825-6360
Email: thaidkr@sentoo.sn
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/dakar

370 Orchard Road, Singapore 238870
Main Line: (65) 6737 2475 - 6
Consular Line: (65) 6737 2158 / 6737 2644
Main Fax: (65) 6732 0778
Consular Fax: (65) 6835 4991
Email: consular@thaiembassy.sg / consular@thaiembassy.sg
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.sg/

South Africa
840 Church Street, Eastwood, Arcadia 0083, Pretoria
Tel: +012 342 5470 / 342 4516 / 342 4506 / 342 4600
Fax: +012 342 4805

428 Pretorius/Hill Street Arcadia, Pretoria 0083 P.O. Box 12080 Hatfield, Pretoria 0028
Tel: (27-12)3425470 / 3424516 / 3424600
Fax: (27-12) 342-4805
Email: info@thaiembassy.co.za / thailand@thaiembpta.co.za

South Korea
635-7, Hannam-dong Yongsan-ku, Seoul
Tel: (+82-2) 795-3098 / 795-0095 / 795-3253
Fax: +82-2 798-3448
Email: rteseoul@kornet.net
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.or.kr

Calle Del Segra, 29-2 A, 28002 Madrid
Tel: +91 5632903 / 5637959
Fax: +91 5640033

Royal Thai Embassy
Calle Joaquin Costa, 29, 28002 Madrid, Spain
Tel: (34-91) 563-2903 / 563-7959
Fax: (34-91) 564-0033 / 562-4182
Email: madthai@temb.e.telefonica.net

Sri Lanka
46/46 Nawam Mawatha, 9th Floor, Green lanka Towers, Colombo 2 Sri Lanka
Tel: (9411) 230-2500-3
Fax: (9411) 230-4511-2
Email: thaicmb@sltnet.lk
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/colombo/

Floragatan 3, Box. 26220, 10040 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: (46-8) 791-7340
Fax: (46-8) 791-7351
Email: info@thaiembassy.se
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.se/

Kirchstrasse 56, 3097 Liebefeld-Berne , Switzerland
Tel: (41-31) 970-3030-34
Fax: (41-31) 970-3035
Email: thaiswiss@thaiembassy.ch
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.ch/

T------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Royal Thai Embassy
Cankaya Cad. Kader Sok. 45/3-4, 06700 Gaziosmanpasa, Ankara, Turkey
Tel: (90-312) 467-3409 / 467-3059
Fax: (90-312) 427-7284
Email: thaiank@ttmail.com / thaiank@kablonet.com.tr

U------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Plot 10 Kalitunsi Road, Bugolobi , Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-41-232176

United Arab Enigrates
Villa No.1, Plot No. 341 West 14/1, Al Rowdah, P.O. Box 47466, Abu Dhabi
Tel: +97 12 453 991 / 431 279, 432 554
Fax: +97 12 458 687

East 18/1, District 80, Al Murror Road, 4th Street,Oppcrsitc Al Falah Plaza, P.O, Box,47466, Abu Dhabi
Tel: (971-2) 6421772
Fax: (971-2) 6421773
Email: thaiauh@emirates.net.ae

United Kingdom
29 - 30 Queen's Gate London SW7 5JB
Tel : 020-7589-2944 / Operator Ext. 5500
Fax : 020-7823-7492
Website: http://www.thaiembassyuk.org.uk/

United States of America
Washington D.C
1024 Wisconsin Ave., N.W. Washington D.C. 20007, United States of America
Tel. (202) 944-3600
Fax. (202) 944-3611
Email: thai.wsn@thaiembdc.org
Website: http://www.thaiembdc.org/

700 North Rush Street, Chicago, 60611-2504, United States of America
Tel: (1-312) 664-3129
Fax: (1-312) 664-3230
Email: thaichicago@ameritech.net
Website: http://thaiconsulatechicago.org

Los Angelos
611 North Larchmont Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, California 90004
Tel: (323) 962-9574 - 77
Email: thai-la@mindspring.com
Website: http://www.thai-la.net

New York
351 East 52nd Street, New York, NY. 10022, United States
Tel: (212) 754-1770 / (212) 754-1896
Fax: (212) 754-1907
Email: contact@thaiconsulnewyork.com

V------ Thailand Embassy Visa Services Abroad at Paradise-Pattaya.com

Ho Chi Minh City
77 Tran Quoc Thao Street, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: (848) 932-7637-8
Fax: (848) 932-6002
Email: thaihom@mfa.go.th / thaconho@hcm.vnn.vn

Royal Thai Embassy
63-65 Hoang Dieu Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (84-4) 823-5092 / 93
Fax: (84-4) 823-5088 / 733-1326
Website: http://www.thaiembassy.org/hanoi/
Email: thaihan@mfa.go.th, thaiemhn@netnam.org.vn

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